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Contact Details



Safeguarding and Child Protection


Cornerstone school’s first responsibility is to keep children safe. If you are concerned about the safety or wellbeing of a child in our care, please contact Darren Heimsath, Designated Safeguard Lead on 0208 713 0002 or email


Our Safeguarding policy can be found here.


If you want to raise a concern directly to Children's Social Care you can contact Bexley Children’s Services Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) at the number below. 


  • Daytime hours (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm) 020 3045 5440.
  • Out of hours (5pm to 9am Monday to Friday and 24 hour cover at weekends) 020 8303 7777 or 020 8303 7171.
  • email:


Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Team


Mr Darren Heimsath

Designated Safeguarding Lead 


Mrs Debbie Donnelly

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead 



Mrs Ade Ikumelo

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead



Mrs Polly Jeffery

Designated Safeguarding Officer



NB:  Chair of Governors -  Lynne Wainwright has safeguarding responsibilities.


