Academic Year 2022-2023
- Lunch Information/ParentPay 10.07.2023
- Founders Day 2023 30.06.23
- RSE Letter 28.06.23
- RSE Consultation Curriculum Plan 28.06.23
- RSE secondary schools guide for parents 28.06.23
- UPDATE Industrial Action 5th 7th July 22.06.23
- Industrial Action 5th 7th July 22.06.23
- Colchester Zoo Reminder 20.06.23
- Year 8 parents evening 22.06.23
- Year 7 Parents Evening 12.06.23
- Year 9 Parents Evening 05.06.23
- Safer Schools App 05.06.23
- End of Half-Term Summary Letter 26.05.23
- Non-uniform Day Letter May Half Term 22.05.23
- Letter 2 Industrial Action 21.04.23
- Letter 1 Industrial Action 21.04.23
- Last Day Letter 27.03.23
- Transport for London: Behaviour Code 24.03.23
- Teen Life Expression of Interest Letter 20.03.23
- Bexley SEND Pupil Forum Letter 08.03.2023
- Bexley Local Offer Leaflet 08.03.2023
- Industrial Action 2nd March Letter - 24.02.2023.pdf
- Music Tuition Letter 20.02.2023
- Letter to Parents re: Strike
- Industrial Action - 01.02.2023
- Year 9 Polio (DTP) and Meningitis Letter - 16.12.2022
- Scarlet Fever Letter - 08.12.2022
- Festive Celebrations 2022 - 05.12.2022
- Think Tank Meeting LGBTQ+ 6.2.2022 - 25.11.2022
- Knowledge Organisers - 11.11.22
- After Oct half term - 07.11.22
- NAS Accreditation - 13.10.22
- RRS: Silver Award - 10.10.22
- World Mental Health Day - 04.10.22
- Think Tank session to discuss LGBTQ+ - 22.09.2022
- Parent Governor Election - 22.09.2022
- Half Term arrangements - 16.09.2022
- Bexley Flu Immunisation letter with consent link - 12.09.2022
- The passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - 12.09.2022